



Honestly all I want for my birthday is a giant teddy bear so that I can carry it around during school...



Happy soon-to-be Thanksgiving everyone. So they say Thanksgiving is a time for you to give thanks to what u have in life and spend time with your family. But my family has been giving me a lot of problems for the past 5 years or so. They make me feel like I'm never good enough for them. And I'm not even talking the people I live with, no. I'm talking about EVERYONE! Even all the way out to my 3rd or fourth cousins. I always feel like an odd ball and they make me feel even worse about it. It's not that I look different or anything, I just think differently then them. I don't follow the crowd and I use logical thinking AND common sense together. They make fun of me sooo much for being a nerd or ugly or fat or unathletic. It sucks. I also feel so much pressure on me to be right all the time. I get one B or make one mistake and it's like I've caused an avalanche. And to make it worse I'm such a cry baby. So when they insult me or hurt me every day and I cry about I just get another nickname added to the list, "crybaby". Then there's those times when my family talks about me to other people. Those times sucks. They're either boastful and bragging like "I made this child and she can do this this and this" or "I don't know how she turned out this bad." Anyways I just kinda needed to rant, sorry guys. So what are you thankful for? What family problems do you have?



Hey guys so just a little update! Sadly, after our first 2 days our views went from over 200 per day to just hitting 50. We love all of you that have stated with us and are getting involved!! <3We hope you can spread the word about the website!! Heck, I even wrote it on a bio lab table (the black ones) in pencil when I got bored :P and tell your friends (and enemies) to tell their friends too! You could just make a difference in someone's life! I can't even tell you how great it was to hear a classmate that I rarely talk to say, "I was having a rough day and that website you sent me just made me smile, thanks:)!" You just get that feeling of "i just made someone's day better:)" We hopefully should be making some business cards soon and we hope they help our views go up! Thanks everyone!! Stay strong, I love you!

P.S. Sorry for any errors, I'm typing on my phone :P



Alright so I want to know exactly how you're feeling. And none of this "oh good hbu?(:" crap. How are you REALLY feeling through and through? And what can I do to make you smile?(:

Have a good day(:

Okay hump day is tomorrow so how many of you find hump day annoying and how many of you find it funny/enjoy it? What are ur reasons?? :)

Also, thank you for 500+ views!!! We love you and keep telling your friends! :) remember you can save a life <3
Hey everyone!!!! It's monday again!!! Start of a new week!!! :3 Comment how everyone's week is going!! Any problems? Remember you're amazing and you're not alone, comment anonymously and maybe you will find hope comfort happiness and just inspiration!! Maybe someone has the same problem, we'll always try to help out!! Remember you're never alone!!-<3                  Love you lots BowsBeforeBros 


Comment what you're afraid of or help someone get over what they've already posted<3 ~RefusingToSink

Hey There guys! This is the place where you can vent and share your story, and see other people who are going through similar things as you. I know sometimes it seems like you have no one, but you can always express yourself here! Stay strong, I love you. Love, RefusingToSink <3