Comment what you're afraid of or help someone get over what they've already posted<3 ~RefusingToSink

11/18/2013 02:37:05 am

I'm afraid...
Of losing everything because of one mistake

Refusing To Sink
11/18/2013 02:41:58 am

I know it can be hard thinking you've done something wrong, but know that all your friends will always be there for you. If someone is willing to give up friendship because of one mistake, they aren't worth your previous time<3 feel better and feel free to Kik me if you need more help <3

11/19/2013 12:16:00 pm

Everyone makes mistakes... I've made more than I could possibly ever count. Yes, mistakes can be hard to come back from, that's why they're called mistakes. All you have to do though, if you really want to fix that mistake, is fight for it. Fight untill you've fixed the wrong, and everything is as you want it to be. If you want things to be better though, I suggest you learn from your mistake - figure out what went wrong, so next time you can avoid it from happening again. Whatever happens though, know that the mistake does not define you. Don't hate yourself for it. Don't hate yourself for anything - I am positive you are perfect just the way you are, even with your mistakes (:

11/19/2013 12:18:43 pm

Thanks, seether ;) ....If u knew who this was u know I love you! :) <3

11/21/2013 09:50:10 am

you will never loose everything. maybe you really messed up and are left back at square one, or maybe a million places behind square one, but you will never have lost everything.
you still have yourself, and your will to do better next time. and that's all you need

11/21/2013 10:58:11 am

there needs to be a like button on here, because i really want to like that ^ post

11/18/2013 02:43:31 am

I'm afraid no one will remember my birthday... yet i don't want to remind people... its a dilemma

Refusing To Sink
11/18/2013 02:51:42 am

Don't worry! What you should do is just say things about birthdays like "I can't wait for all the cake I'm gunna eat tomorrow" or "I hope people don't embarrass me on my birthday next week!" That way your friends will hopefully connect the dots and you won't look attention seeking(:

Scaredey Cat
11/18/2013 09:48:25 am

I'm afraid of failure. And needles. Never liked sharp objects. I have nothing against blood though.

11/18/2013 09:52:05 am

In afraid of failure too high five!!!(; but really... I'm sure you're amazing, and know that no matter what you do tomorrow is a new day, it's time to forget your mistakes and live life to make yourself happy, not anyone else. Be you<3 And as far as needles go, just remember they hurt less than paper cuts (those things are deadly) haha but really you're perfect, stay strong<3

11/18/2013 09:59:27 am

Hey!! So don't ever be afraid of failure....I was afraid of failure once too!! I was so scared that once I was up to give a speech in front of people and I burst out into tears!!! In the end though, I ended up overcoming all my fears, because I believed that I could do it. And I know you can do whatever you put your mind to! However, it's really nothing to be afraid of....mistakes just make you better when you learn from them!! Failures aren't bad, don;t ever think you need to please anyone...and I'm sure you wouldn't fail at all!! You are amazing being you, and just remember, don't ever be too hard on yourself, mistakes are just learning experiences, don't ever be afraid!! :) And for needles and sharp objects, I'm scared of those things too xD~<3 BowsBeforeBros

11/19/2013 09:32:51 am

I am afraid of people i love dying, be it by their hand or by something else.

11/19/2013 10:14:19 am

Hey M.G.S.!!! It's a very understandable fear because you care deeply about the people you love, however if it is by their own hand, suicide is 100% preventable! Reach out!! See what's wrong!

11/21/2013 07:00:43 am

thanks, and i have definitely reached out, but there was a period of time where my cousin, who i am very close to, was suicidal. she is better now, but at the time,when i would try and help; i would heel so useless. i used to have nightmares of going to her funeral of finding her body, it was a really hard time.
thankfully, she is on the mend and the nightmares have stopped, and she has told me that i actually did help :) so i know now that nothing lasts forever and that you can make a difference

11/21/2013 07:00:57 am

thanks, and i have definitely reached out, but there was a period of time where my cousin, who i am very close to, was suicidal. she is better now, but at the time,when i would try and help; i would heel so useless. i used to have nightmares of going to her funeral of finding her body, it was a really hard time.
thankfully, she is on the mend and the nightmares have stopped, and she has told me that i actually did help :) so i know now that nothing lasts forever and that you can make a difference

11/19/2013 10:17:19 am

Remember we're always here for you!! We care about you!! And, if you need any further, more personal help feel free to kik me @bowsbeforebros1323 :) I'm always here for you!


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