Hey There guys! This is the place where you can vent and share your story, and see other people who are going through similar things as you. I know sometimes it seems like you have no one, but you can always express yourself here! Stay strong, I love you. Love, RefusingToSink <3
11/17/2013 12:39:17 pm

Last year was bad... really bad. I started telling myself I was a bad person, and I started to believe that... I thought I had no friends, that no one cared... maybe no one did, since no one was worried, except for a teacher...and that was just one day, when this was at least a couple months, the after effects still hitting me even now. Maybe I was just good at hiding it. Even with the cuts no one noticed... but the thing is, I pulled through. And i think I came out a better person than before, with a kinder, more open heart. And you know what? I believe you will pull through too. I know that right now, the end of it just seems non-existant, but it is there... it is there, and it's even better than what you had before. Trust me... also, never forget that the ones you care about are there for you. At the time, I didn't believe they were, but now I know that I was wrong; they were always there, i just had to look. If nothing else, remember that you are perfect, and nothing - absolutlely nothing -could ever change that (: <3

Tricia Nicholson
11/18/2013 02:43:49 am

Thank you so much for the input! I'm proud of you!!!<3

11/18/2013 08:47:30 am

Reading this gave me hope

11/18/2013 01:34:45 pm

I'm happy it made you feel better at least a little better :) <3

11/18/2013 02:20:26 pm

Having this site is kind of opening up feelings again that I don't want... and i feel guilty for that. the last time i got... depressed... if it was even bad enough to call it that... it was for really stupid reasons, and i honestly dont feel right for doing some of the things i did, for feeling the way i did. now that guilty feeling is coming back, and i know all that other crap will eventually come too.
i just had to get this out there... and ":)" I'm sorry if this destroyed whatever hope that other post gave you but i needed this out there. I'm also sure you had a legitimate reason, unlike me... try to keep that hope though, it would be hell to know i ruined that for you.

Refusing To Sink
11/18/2013 05:52:33 pm

I'm sorry those feelings are coming back, but maybe it's time to face all the emotions you once had<3 know that I'm completely and utterly here for you. I was diagnosed with severe depression a long time ago, I know the feelings you're talking about. What's important is you ride the wave and realize that mood changes are just part of depression, but be strong enough to tell yourself the truth: that these emotions that you feel when you're sad aren't always reflecting who you really are. You should Kik message me @this_is_it66, I'd love to talk to you more<3 keep your head up!!<3

11/19/2013 09:38:48 am

i don't think any reason for being depressed is a stupid reason. you were feeling those emotions, maybe to a different degree from those around you, but you were feeling it. and you have every right to feel every feeling in the book. you should not feel guilty for being human. our feelings make us human, but we are so much more than that. . Refusing to Sink is right, your emotions do not reflect who you are and who you can be, but with that in mind, it's more than okay to be sad, just so long as you power through :)

11/19/2013 11:49:36 am

thanks M.G.S (: I really needed to hear that

11/21/2013 11:37:12 am

Dude, I feel you. I'm in the same boat right now, and it ain't a fun one. But remember: We're human. We're human, and we feel. And I'm ashamed too, it SUCKS, but we're stronger now, we aren't ever going back. We are warriors, we survived, and we have one last battle: Looking at what we did, and moving past it. And you know what? We can do it, both of us. And I'm tearing up as I write this, I hate going back there, but we need to accept it and say "Hey, it's ok. We're stronger now." It's gonna be ok. I promise. We'll face our demons.

Ever need anything, comment or something, I'm here.
Keep your heard up,

11/19/2013 09:44:32 am

It's awesome to see people other then the admins helping out! Thank you! :)


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