Happy soon-to-be Thanksgiving everyone. So they say Thanksgiving is a time for you to give thanks to what u have in life and spend time with your family. But my family has been giving me a lot of problems for the past 5 years or so. They make me feel like I'm never good enough for them. And I'm not even talking the people I live with, no. I'm talking about EVERYONE! Even all the way out to my 3rd or fourth cousins. I always feel like an odd ball and they make me feel even worse about it. It's not that I look different or anything, I just think differently then them. I don't follow the crowd and I use logical thinking AND common sense together. They make fun of me sooo much for being a nerd or ugly or fat or unathletic. It sucks. I also feel so much pressure on me to be right all the time. I get one B or make one mistake and it's like I've caused an avalanche. And to make it worse I'm such a cry baby. So when they insult me or hurt me every day and I cry about I just get another nickname added to the list, "crybaby". Then there's those times when my family talks about me to other people. Those times sucks. They're either boastful and bragging like "I made this child and she can do this this and this" or "I don't know how she turned out this bad." Anyways I just kinda needed to rant, sorry guys. So what are you thankful for? What family problems do you have?


12/2/2013 12:49:41 pm

i am really, really sorry to hear that, hon :/
but you know what? you come from a family of ass-holes. i mean, who gave them the right to make a beautiful human being such as yourself feel like you are never good enough. i have never met you and just seeing what you do on this website i can already tell you are worth 10 of your every day person. i wish i could just tell you to let it roll off you like water on a duck, but i know that is not the way it works. i know what they say will keep hurting you, but remember this, you are amazing and smart and beautiful. i know you are beautiful because you have a beautiful soul and if i could see your face, i know it would become you. you need to remember that they are taking out their problems on you when they hurt you. remember that it is their closed minded ways making you the odd one out. keep that beautiful mind open. i am so sorry you are stuck in that environment, but they are wrong to make you feel low, they are so wrong.
you are human, you are allowed to mess up and make mistakes. you are allowed to get one B or 5 Bs or even an F. you do not need to live up to their ridiculously high expectations. you can cry all the fuck you want and if they make you feel bad for it it is just because they do not want to face the fact that they made someone cry.
you are so much better than them, and though you may love them, because they are family, that does not mean that they know you or are good people. you will not have to deal with them forever, and one day, be that day near or far, you never have to talk to them again if it so pleases you. you can surround yourself with friends who make you feel good, start you own family one day if you want, a better one.
they may bend you they may twist you but never let them break you. know that you are loved and ignore what they say because you are a beautiful soul in a family of those who cannot see beauty.

12/2/2013 12:55:08 pm

You have just made my night! <3 You are truly my biggest inspiration. I don't know who you are either but you are the most gorgeous person on the face of this planet. And every word of that paragraph meant the world to me. It's not like I feel this way everyday. It's just sometimes they really get to me. I would love to get to know you! Maybe by some coincidence we do know each other :) kik my personal or send me an email anytime :)
Kik: anjisdk
Email: [email protected]
I love you <3


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