Alright so I want to know exactly how you're feeling. And none of this "oh good hbu?(:" crap. How are you REALLY feeling through and through? And what can I do to make you smile?(:

Have a good day(:
11/21/2013 07:02:47 am

**buries self in pile of blankets and stuffed animals**

Lulu E.
11/21/2013 09:52:13 am

**grabs DVD collection**
can i come?

11/21/2013 10:35:34 am

it depends, only those with worthy taste shal poses the running-away-from-our-problems power that is the blanket fort

11/21/2013 10:55:37 am

I'll bring the the rock/post grundge/metal/screamo music with me does that let me in

11/21/2013 10:56:27 am

oops meant to make that a reply to M.G.S.

11/23/2013 01:58:00 pm

you better bring headphones XD
that's not really my type..., but welcome to the blanket club. none the less!

11/22/2013 01:42:54 pm

I need someone to convince me I'm not a total reject... but everyone i care about won't answer when I try to talk to them

11/23/2013 06:14:56 am

i came here because I thought someone would answer... I just spent the last hour crying thanks for the help

11/23/2013 06:26:46 am

I know what it's like to feel the need to have someone with you every minute of every day. But I need you to know that no matter how alone you FEEL, you don't need anyone to give you strength. Believe in yourself because when you're alone at 2am thinking about all you've caused or all that's happened to you, YOU will HAVE to know in your heart that you ARE worth living, you ARE strong, you ARE beautiful, you CAN do this, and you are NOT alone.

11/23/2013 02:10:42 pm

someone will always answer you, but give us a little time dear :) we won't leave you alone, trust that

11/23/2013 02:09:39 pm

i know what it feels like to need validation. i am only human, but at some point i think we have to realize that we really cannot rely on anyone.
i am so sorry the people in your life are being unresponsive, but that is on them, not you. it is not your fault and it does not mean there is anything wrong with you. it does not mean that they do not care about you. all it means is that they are busy and caught up in their own stuff.
you are not a reject, because there is no such thing. there are strong people and there are week people, and the problem with this world is that everyone, especially the strong people, think that they are weak. you can stand on your own two feel, and give yourself validation. remember you are not a reject. that you control your life. if you do not like the way your life is going now, remember that nothing last forever and things will change soon.
all you need is yourself, and you can climb any mountain


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